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Comparison of remote and local files

Date Posted:27-May-2004 6:30 AM
Number of Posts: 2

The last modified date on some of my files was 2003/6/1. However, when they were uploaded to the web server, the last modified date changed to today's date. Will Auto FTP manager try to synchronize the files even if they are not modified?
Please advice on how Auto FTP manager compares the files- by date, size or any other method?

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Date Posted:28-May-2004 9:30 AM
Number of Posts: 1234

Auto FTP manager compares files present on the local and remote end by name, size and date. Synchronization is done by comparing the remote and local folder contents to determine which files need upload or download.
For more on Synchronization in Auto FTP manager, you can also visit the following page:
