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How do I select files that have been recently modified

Date Posted:19-Jan-2007 5:08 PM
Number of Posts: 1
Is there a way to Upload files based on date modified? I would like to set up a daily scheduled ftp by dates modified. I only want to ftp the incremental that was created that day.

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Date Posted:28-Jan-2007 4:32 PM
Number of Posts: 10
You will need to create a new automated transfer profile which will allow you to select and schedule your FTP transfers. To create a scheduled transfer, select File ] New Profile ] Automated Transfer Profile. Next, you will need to fill in all your FTP information. On the Transfer Tab you will see a filter option. You can set the filters to transfer files that have been modified today or within a given date range. You will also see a schedule option where you can set the time and dates to run this profile. For more information on filters you can see the following article: /auto-ftp-manager/transfer-rules-file-filter-options-and-folder-synchronization/