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Irregular synchronization

Date Posted:30-Nov-2004 10:15 AM
Number of Posts: 2

I'm having problems synchronizing. I'm using date difference, time zone difference is checked. It will synchronize 100% and then if I synchronize again it will send around 50% of the files back up and nothing has changed. Any ideas?

3 Replies

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Date Posted:01-Dec-2004 8:39 AM
Number of Posts: 1234

Some FTP servers report invalid dates for older files. We have noticed that WS_FTP Server reports invalid dates for files created in the year 2002 and earlier. In this case, Auto FTP Manager determines that the server copy of a file is older than the local copy and hence uploads the file.

Two Solutions:
1. Try updating your FTP server software.
2. Turn off date-based synchronization from the Profile's Action Rules.

Date Posted:01-Dec-2004 1:16 PM
Number of Posts: 2

Thanks for the reply. I'm using Windows Server 2003 on both ends so the ftp software is current. I have checked the Active Mode flag and that helped but it did not cure the problem. If I turn off date based synchronization then new files won't be uploaded unless their file size is different.

Date Posted:13-Dec-2004 8:46 AM
Number of Posts: 1234

When files are uploaded using FTP, they receive the date and time of the FTP server. Auto FTP Manager uses the FTP's MDTM command to set the file's correct date and time after accounting for Time Zone Difference.

According to the standards, the MDTM command should get the modification date and time (and not set it). However, many FTP servers like WS_FTP support this useful extension.

Windows Server 2003 has a basic FTP server that does not support this extension for the MDTM command. As a result, the uploaded files always get the date and time of the FTP server. Thus, synchronization based on date does not work.

We have planned an approach to date-based synchronization that will eliminate Auto FTP Manager's need to rely on the MDTM command. We will include this in one of our future releases.