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Screen Resolution and Power Point Slides

Date Posted:23-Feb-2005 9:12 AM
Number of Posts: 1
I use My Screen Recorder Pro mainly to generate AVI of my Power Point slide shows, which use a high degree of animation. The current slides are mostly white on black, with the occasional blue logo (top right) I'm using A Dell M60 with preferred resolution of 1900 x 1200. When I record with My Screen Recorder Pro with this display resolution, the slide content flies all over the place after screen transistions. It then stablises as the rest of the slide content comes in. If I reduce the display resolution to 1280 x 1024, My Screen Pro records & plays back correctly.

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Date Posted:23-Feb-2005 10:59 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
The screen recording process involves capturing large images, encoding them using the selected compressor and writing them to a file. If you are also recording audio, then the process also incurs the overhead of capturing and writing an audio file. This consumes a lot of CPU resources. Capturing at a resolution as high as 1900 x 1200 pixels, the CPU requirement is very high. Moreover, screen recording is a software-only solution. Thus, graphic hardware has little effect towards speeding up the process. To increase the performance, you can: 1. Close all other applications to maximize free memory. 2. Turn off audio recording, if not necessary. 3. Lower the resolution and/or the color-depth of your computer.