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To change connection type for file transfer

Date Posted:01-Nov-2017 11:25 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Mobile to PC Transfer allows you to easily transfer files between your Android device and a Windows PC. Mobile to PC Transfer works with FTP Manager Lite. If your mobile device is on the same Wi-Fi network as your PC then use Wi-Fi to transfer files. Select the Wi-Fi network option in the Settings. If your mobile device is outside your local home Wi-Fi network or having trouble connecting via Wi-Fi then use mobile data to connect and transfer files. To use mobile data, select the Mobile Data option from settings. You can change between the two connection types from the Settings section of the mobile application. This way you can easily switch between Wi-Fi and mobile data depending on the network of your mobile device and PC.

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Date Posted:01-Nov-2017 5:48 PM
Number of Posts: 3
I would like to use Mobile to PC Transfer to copy files from my phone to my PC. Should I use WI-FI or Mobile data to transfer files?