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Blocking off areas to monitor for motion detection

Date Posted:19-Jun-2017 6:41 AM
Number of Posts: 4
I am using Security Monitor Pro for recording videos from my IP camera that part is working flawlessly. I would like to use motion detection, but I don't want to record when there is motion in some parts of the camera preview. My question is - can I block off monitoring selected areas on the camera preview?

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Date Posted:19-Jun-2017 10:51 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Use the Mask area feature in Security Monitor Pro to block off monitoring for motion from a selected area. To add a mask, click the Manage Camera icon on the toolbar. Select the camera and click the Edit Camera button. Go to the Mask Area tab and select the Enable Masking checkbox. Adjust the shape of the mask according to your requirement by clicking on the box and dragging it. Add additional masks for the areas you don't want to monitor. Click the OK button to save your changes. Once you put a mask on the camera preview, start motion detection monitoring. Notice how motion behind the masked region will not get detected. This will reduce the possibility of unwanted triggering of alerts.