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Disable photo capture during night hours

Date Posted:06-Nov-2017 5:25 PM
Number of Posts: 3
I have configured Security Monitor Pro to capture photos on motion detection. I don't want to capture photos during the night because the captured images are relatively dark. Can I disable the photo capture during the night hours?

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Date Posted:07-Nov-2017 10:29 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
You can schedule the monitoring action in Security Monitor Pro. A daily schedule to perform monitoring during the daytime will address your need. To add a schedule, click on the Scheduler icon on the tool bar. Select the Daily schedule type. By default, the monitoring actions option is selected. Choose the start date, and enter the start time as 6:00. Enter number of hours to run the schedule. You can enter 16 hours, so the schedule will run till 10 PM. Click the OK button to save the scheduler settings. The schedule will start at a specified time in the morning and the photos will be captured till 10 PM.