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Foscam F18918W camera software and Security Monitor Pro

Date Posted:06-Jul-2012 3:36 PM
Number of Posts: 2
I have purchased 4 Foscam F18918W Cameras and I have set them up on my wireless network using the Software that came with the Cameras. I have now installed SMP as I like the extra features. Is there likely to be any conflict between SMP and the Software that was used to set up the cameras? Can both programmes run simultaneously?

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Date Posted:30-Aug-2012 7:44 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Security Monitor Pro will not conflict with the Foscam software. Both can be run at the same time. I do recommend that you use the 4 cameras in a wired mode rather than wireless as it will be more a reliable network connection and give a faster and smoother preview.