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Limiting the amount of recording space on the hard drive

Date Posted:24-Aug-2015 5:26 PM
Number of Posts: 2
I am interested in purchasing this program but I have a couple of questions before I buy. 1. Does the program record to a hard drive or to a cloud website? I prefer having the files on my own computer. 2. I am concerned about having adequate hard drive space. Is it possible to set the program to record a certain amount of GB and will it record over the previous videos after that amount is reached? Thank you.

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Date Posted:25-Aug-2015 9:55 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Security Monitor Pro will record to your local hard drive or network drive. There are 2 ways to limit the amount of space used. First, you can automatically delete recordings over a certain number of days old, or delete files before your hard drive is full. Click on Tools > Application Settings and configure the 'Auto Delete oldest files if space is less than' or 'Auto delete files older than' or you can configure both.