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Quickly configure the same monitoring actions on all cameras

Date Posted:20-Sep-2017 7:05 AM
Number of Posts: 3
I have 8 cameras running in Security Monitor Pro. I need to change the monitoring actions every 15 days. So, I have to configure these settings for all the cameras separately. Can I quickly configure the same monitoring actions on all my IP cameras at once?

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Date Posted:20-Sep-2017 11:09 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Security Monitor Pro has a copy function that will allow you to copy the action settings from one camera to your other cameras. To configure monitoring actions, right click on any camera preview and select the Edit Camera option. On the Actions tab, configure the actions you want and save your changes. For the other cameras, open the Actions tab and look for the Copy action settings from option. Select the camera from the drop down list for which you have configured the actions. Click the Copy button and confirm the copy settings action. All actions configured for the selected camera will be copied. Repeat this for all the remaining cameras. In this way, you can configure monitoring actions for all cameras without configuring the actions for each camera.