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Start and stop monitoring for multiple cameras at once

Date Posted:18-Aug-2017 8:25 AM
Number of Posts: 1
I have 6 IP cameras connected in Security Monitor Pro. I want to start monitoring, but every time I have to start this separately for each camera. Can I start and stop the monitoring for all the cameras at once?

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Date Posted:18-Aug-2017 12:52 PM
Number of Posts: 1234
Security Monitor Pro can easily start and stop monitoring for multiple cameras at once. To start monitoring, click on the Monitor icon from the tool bar. On the Monitoring Actions dialog, select the checkbox in front of the cameras for which you want to start monitoring. Once you select all the cameras, click on the Start Monitoring button. Click the Stop Monitoring button to stop the action for selected cameras. In this way you can quickly start and stop monitoring for multiple cameras at once.