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Toshiba Qosmio laptop powers down after 30 minutes

Date Posted:06-Nov-2012 3:19 PM
Number of Posts: 2
Hello, Thank you for this version running on Windows 8! It works great on my Asus EEE netbook, and now I want to purchase another license to run on my Toshiba Qosmio at a different location. All the alerts and everything is running fine. I am having 1 issue - after about 30 minutes my laptop shuts down without any message, and it is powered off. When I restart the laptop, everything is running again. Here is my Laptop information: Toshiba Qosmio X300-13E PQX32E What can I do?

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Date Posted:07-Nov-2012 7:44 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Security Monitor Pro should disable the power saving settings when you start it. Click Tools >> Application Settings >> Advanced. Make sure that 'Disable Low Power Schemes' is checked. If this is already checked, please adjust the power saving settings on your PC so that it does not turn off or go into sleep mode when it is plugged in. You can change this from the Control Panel >> Power Options