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Creating a daily voice announcement

Date Posted:03-Sep-2015 4:50 PM
Number of Posts: 3
I am using Text Speaker Live for a long time to read eBooks and documents. It works well for me. I own a small office where I have to make voice announcements every day at a specific time. Can I use Text Speaker Live? Thanks for your help!!!

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Date Posted:04-Sep-2015 8:55 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Yes, you can use the Talking Reminder feature in Text Speaker Live. Here are the steps: 1. Click on "Talking Reminders" on the tool bar, you will see this dialog: 2. Click on the "Create" button: 3. Write the announcement in the text box, select Date and Time. You can repeat your reminders after some minutes, hours, days or years. 4. Select a voice to read aloud the reminder and test how it sounds. Click OK At the specified Date and Time, the message which you have written will be read aloud.