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Getting better quality when exporting my text to a MP3 audio file

Date Posted:23-Sep-2011 3:54 PM
Number of Posts: 1
I have a technical problem with the Text Speaker Live software. I purchased the voices Rainer and Mike and they work fine and sound crystal clear. However, when I convert to MP3, the sound gets distorted. What causes this and how can I fix it? Thanks for your help.

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Date Posted:07-Nov-2011 11:39 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
Text Speaker Live can export your audio in different quality levels of MP3 format. When you export to MP3 you are given a choice of settings. Try choosing the audio Setting "Very High Quality and Large Size". To avoid distortion, lower the volume level. Export again and you should have a clean MP3 file without any distortion. If you are an advanced user, you can also adjust the bitrate, frequency and number of channels to customize the exact output quality. See this page for more information: /help/text-speaker/creating-audio-files/