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Reading abbreviations in Text Speaker Live

Date Posted:30-Dec-2015 10:49 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
You can spell out a word, rather than pronouncing it using Text Speaker Live. For example, a computer program may have a "Graphical User Interface", which is abbreviated as "GUI". If you want Text Speaker Live to say "G U I" instead of "gooey" when it reads this abbreviation, you can mark it to be spelled. Select the word or phrase to be spelled. Click on the 'Edit' menu and select 'Spell Selected Word/Phrase' option. The text will be enclosed within the tags and . Now when you hear the particular word/phrase, it will be spelled out.

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Date Posted:30-Dec-2015 5:44 PM
Number of Posts: 2
Is it possible to read abbreviated words as English characters rather than Text Speaker Live trying to pronounce an abbreviation?