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False Alarms in Motion Detection

Date Posted:29-Nov-2005 7:56 AM
Number of Posts: 1
I'm having the same problem, but worse. I have the sensitivity set to the lowest degree. The program works great for detecting motion the first time, but after that, it will continue to trigger itself over and over again. ...once the 'motion' has left the camera's eye, the program completes it's recording after a few seconds. As soon as it does, the alerts are triggered again, and the camera begins the whole process over. Is there a glitch?

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Date Posted:01-Dec-2005 4:29 PM
Number of Posts: 1234
It sounds like you have also enabled the alert to trigger periodically after the specified time duration. WebCam Monitor can trigger alerts when: 1. Motion or noise is detected 2. Periodically after the specified time duration These settings are available in the Quick Settings pane under Automatically Alert Me box. Make sure that only "When motion or noise is detected" option is checked. Uncheck the "Periodically after every." option.