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Increasing the time between pictures taken by WebCam Monitor

Date Posted:17-Aug-2016 7:04 AM
Number of Posts: 2
I am using WebCam Monitor with two webcams. I get a lot of photos from my webcams whenever there is movement. I would instead like a time-lapse of photos, say a picture after one hour or one and a half hours. How do I increase time between the photos taken from my webcam?

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Date Posted:17-Aug-2016 11:09 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
You can do this using the regular interval monitoring option in WebCam Monitor. From Quick access, select the 'At regular intervals of:' option and put the time at 60 or 90 minutes. If you want to capture only a single photo every hour then click on the 'Configure' button for the 'Take Photo' action and put value '1' in both the numeric text boxes. Using the regular interval option allows you to increase the time interval between pictures or any other action you choose.