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Send an email after every hour using WebCam Monitor

Date Posted:06-Jul-2017 8:39 AM
Number of Posts: 5
I have added three USB cameras in WebCam Monitor. I want to send an e-mail from all the webcams regularly after every one hour. How do I do this?

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Date Posted:06-Jul-2017 12:44 PM
Number of Posts: 1234
WebCam Monitor allows you to perform a repetitive action, such as sending an email every hour, by using the regular interval monitoring action. To set this up, go to the Quick Access panel and select Regular intervals of 'N' minutes option. Set the interval value to 60 minutes and choose the Email Notifications action. Enter the email address, authentication and the other mail server details. Click the Ok button to save these settings. Repeat these steps for each webcam. After configuring all webcams, click the Start Monitoring button from the Quick access panel. An email with a picture will be sent each hour from your 3 webcams.