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Start recording webcam video on PC startup

Date Posted:25-Jan-2017 11:12 AM
Number of Posts: 1234
You can launch WebCam Monitor when Windows starts and use a schedule to start the recording action. Go to General settings and select the option to launch WebCam Monitor with Windows startup. Next, add a schedule to perform Video Recording and select the 'On Application Launch' schedule type. Specify the number of hours to run the schedule. When you start your PC, WebCam Monitor will be launched and the schedule will start the video recording action.

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Date Posted:25-Jan-2017 6:06 PM
Number of Posts: 2
I am using WebCam Monitor with a Logitech USB camera. So far it is working well. When my PC reboots, I want to start WebCam monitor and have it begin recording. Please explain how to configure this.