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Storing media files captured from different webcams at a common location

Date Posted:20-Jul-2017 7:38 AM
Number of Posts: 7
I have WebCam Monitor running on my home and office PC to capture videos and photos. I want to keep the media files generated from both the machines on a common location. I appreciate if you can help me.

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Date Posted:20-Jul-2017 12:14 PM
Number of Posts: 1234
WebCam Monitor can upload media files captured from a webcam to FTP server. You can set both PC's to upload to the same FTP server so you have all your media in one location. To upload media files to FTP server, go to the Quick Access panel and select the Upload Media Files option. On the Create FTP Account Profile dialog, enter the details to connect to the FTP server. Click the Browse button on the FTP Upload settings dialog to choose a folder location. Configure both machines with the same FTP profile and the FTP Upload action for all the webcams. When you start the monitoring, the media files captured from both home and office webcams will be uploaded to the FTP server at the selected folder location.