Keyboard Shortcuts

Use keyboard shortcut keys to quickly perform and access different functionality provided in Text Speaker.

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Open a file Ctrl + O
Save the current file Ctrl + S
Speak the currently selected file from the beginning Ctrl + F3
Convert the currently selected file into an audio file Ctrl + F5
Speak the text starting from the cursor position Ctrl + F6
Speak selected text Ctrl + F7
Pause Speaking Ctrl + F8
Talking Reminders Ctrl + F10
Full Screen Ctrl + Alt + Space


Hotkeys for Speak It Now

These shortcuts work in any program, as long as Text Speaker is running.

NOTE: All of the Speak It Now hotkeys can be changed by clicking Tools >> Settings >> Keyboard Hotkey.

Action Keyboard Shortcut
Read selected text Ctrl + Alt + S
Pause / Resume speaking Ctrl + Alt + P
Stop speaking Ctrl + Alt + X