Multiple Occurrences of a Word or a Phrase in the Document

Note - Please press and hold control key before you work with multiple occurrence commands.  Otherwise application will recognize it as a text and not as a command.

Dictation Pro provides a way to work with multiple occurrence of a text.  Choosing an occurrence comes into picture when any of the following commands are used:

  • Select

  • Delete

  • Caps

  • Cut

  • Copy

Multiple Occurrences of Specific Words


When a spoken text occurs multiple times in the document, a unique number is assigned to each occurrence.  You must speak the number followed by OK to choose the corresponding alternative.


Multiple Occurrences of Range of Words


<text1><text2>, or both may occur multiple times in the document.  Initially, each occurrence of <text1> is numbered.  Say the number followed by OK to choose the required occurrence.  In the similar way, you have to choose the required occurrence of <text2>.  After choosing <text1> and <text2>, the voice command operates on the selected part of document.